Monday, May 20, 2024

When gardening began for me and how it ended as a money making option.

When I finished high school , I wasn't the ideal daughter. After hitch-hiking around Australia with an unsavoury boyfriend I came back to Perth and once I had sorted myself a bit decided to go to TAFE.
It started as a Wildlife worker course, but that disappeared so I moved into horticulture.
One of they units was Introduction to Permaculture, being taught by the wonderful Miles Durand, sometimes nicknamed Miles Away as he would drift off into other ideas of how to practice permaculture everywhere.

I learned a lot there and I always felt to glad that I had discovered what i wanted to do while I was young.

Skip a bunch of years, the learning and sharing of lots of info on how to grow things, months of propagating natives and lugging too much soil around awkwardly at a native plant nursery with poor occ health and saftey, and the onset of tendonitis in both shoulders.

Then add Perth summer and sand, too many yearly cycles of repeating the same info to nursery customers and I am now not all that interested in gardening any more. The idea I might end up with aching shoulders takes away some of the gung-ho joy I had of being strong and able to lift heavy things.

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