Monday, May 20, 2024

ADHD discovery and moving house

 At the start of this year in the hottest part of summer we had to move house. We’d been there for 25 years and grew a lot of biomass and food in that time.

Life had changed a lot in that time. Getting older meant we had less energy to look after the garden and we were both busy running two small businesses we have so it wasn’t a bad time to have to leave the garden behind but it was very sad in some ways. 

The road had become much noisier outside and there were lots more diesel fumes and loud vehicles going past 

A friend took some of the fruit trees and we had a lot of help from other friends taking the shed contents away to their places or the tip. 

So now we move in a more southern suburb in a house we were very lucky to find via a mutual friend with the house owner. Very lucky. 

Just before moving I had been diagnosed with adhd so when we moved in I had just started my meds so I got a lot of work done in the garden here. Lots of pruning and cleaning up needed doing. 

My partner had to learn how to clean the pool so it was useable and not very green. It’s been fun to have a swim and I’m able to do a few laps now. 

Being diagnosed has been really great. I’ve always been a bit of a kook so it’s good to know why. 

One thing has been wanting to write about my experience growing up. I’m not doing much gardening and am distancing myself from the word permaculture as it seems to have become a hokey bunch of ppl who are into conspiracy theories these days. These days regenerative farming is better and there’s also a lot of rewilding going in around the world. 

It’s good to be back. I’ll add some pics  when I get on the computer and off my phone.thanks for reading. 

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