Organic pest control talk.
How to reduce pest problems without using chemical sprays?
Stop using chemical pesticides and
Choose appropriate plants
Plant early and/or late varieties
Grow lots of flowers
Crop rotation
Improving the soil
Garden hygiene
Avoid monoculture
increases predators and plant diversity allows some plants to
survive when others get diseased or eaten.
The four main ideas to consider to increase biodiversity in your garden are :
Why not to use chemicals in the garden and how to encourage
biodiversity and use cultural practices instead to reduce pests naturally.
Beneficial insects and what
they do and how to deal with pests in a non or low toxic manner.
(My definition): An insect or other animal becomes a pest when it causes
economical damage. This may be due to there not being enough diversity in the
surrounding ecosystem to support the predators, which keep the pests in check.
Encouraging diversity in your garden is the best way to control pests.
How to reduce pest problems?
Generally the
worst problems will occur in new or neglected gardens or those with a history
of chemical abuse. It can take 3 years
for balance to occur as it takes awhile
for predator populations to increase.
Stop using any chemical pesticides and
herbicides. They kill
far more than the target species; even the 'safer' ones can be dodgy.
Chemicals can
kill non-target species of beneficial insects as they are extremely sensitive to any chemical use at all.
Insects can become resistant to certain pesticides, making the surviving ones
harder to kill may be hereditary resistance
to common toxic sprays.
exposed eggs
of an insect can show signs of resistance as an adult.
Soil organisms
are sometimes affected by biocides.
Choose appropriate plants for your climate, time of year and
soil type. Certain varieties will be
more locally adapted than others, if they've been grown there before. Look around at other gardens to see what does
well and isn't being bothered by pests.
There may be
disease resistant strains of the plant you like.
Plant early and/or late varieties: works to avoid pests such as Med fruit
fly. You might just miss the time when the pests want to bother that crop.
Grow lots of flowers: Asteraceae family (daisies) and the
Apiaceae family (dill, fennel, carrots, Queen Anne's lace, yarrow, angelica,
coriander, parsley). Salvias and gone to seed veg and herbs are great too
Crop rotation stops a host plant being in the same
place when eggs hatch the next year from adults that fed on the last seasons
crop. There can be problems associated
with nematodes or other soil diseases when crop rotation doesn't occur.
Improving the soil and feeding plants well will grow
healthier, stronger and more pest resistant plants. Overuse of nitrogen fertilizers makes sappy
new growth. Kelp seems to increase leaf strength.
Garden hygiene: some weeds harbour pests. Chickens can dig
over the soil.
Avoid monoculture...Plant similar things or groups of
things around the garden not altogether or in rows that a pest can easily
follow and decimate or if some get diseased they won't all pass it on to each
Which leads to
increases predators and Plant diversity allows some plants to
survive when others get diseased or eaten.
Balance is easier to attain in a
diverse environment.
wildlife needs food,
water and shelter. Providing places for fauna to shelter is a great way to
improve diversity in your garden.
Increasing biodiversity is key.
appropriate for the soil type and
climate and will provide food for local birds and insects. Prickly shrubs
and grasses are important for birds.
Planting local species can help as this feeds local insects and
small fauna such as beneficial insects, skinks, spiders, parasitic wasps.
diversity is important too for birds to be at diff heights. Different
levels of vegetation so that small birds can hide. Posts and sticks in the air
give birds a place to rest before they hop into a bush or birdbath.
FOOD: Provide
food: long flowering shrubs and herbs
It is
generally the young of beneficials that do the pest control. It is
important to have flowers at all times of year so nectar is always
Herbs, daisies family and parsley family are great, gone to seed
veges and salvias, mint etc.
Attracting birds by planting shrubs they can use will control
pests then poop, redistributing nutrients around the
garden. Never feed birds seed,
Leave some pests as food for the birds in your
Mulch gives
invertebrates a place to shelter providing small lizards and frogs with something to
WATER: Provide water: birdbaths - kept clean and full with
sticks to escape on; lizard and bee bars
- shallow trays with water and pebbles so they can't drown.
Ponds. Many birds and insects use ponds in summer. Birdbaths are also frequented by bees, wasps and other flying things.
Ponds. Many birds and insects use ponds in summer. Birdbaths are also frequented by bees, wasps and other flying things.
SHELTER: Prickly shrubs for birds, piles of
wood and or rocks for lizards, spiders etc. Leave wild areas for small fauna,
eg gabion walls are great. Ideally these areas should never be disturbed.
Observation is important in all stages of pest control, to make
sure you won't kill more than just the pest.
Use a magnifying glass to aid identification and if you can't id it get some help.
Most pests have a particular time of year when they will be at
their worst. Spring is ideal for cabbage white and aphids. Some will overwinter
in weeds waiting for conditions to be right. By spending time looking at your
plants you can catch pests before they get too bad. This can help decide what
needs doing, if anything..